Trigger point dry needling can reduce pain and stiffness in muscles, increase mobility, hasten healing, and normalize nerve activity. An intervention designed to get rid of your body’s trigger points is available for persistent pain. Dry needling is the method that is being used. Dry needling, also known as trigger point acupuncture, is a method of physical therapy in which a very tiny acupuncture needle is inserted directly into the muscle holding the trigger point and the area around it is pulsated in various directions.
A twitch response, or involuntary contraction of the muscle, is triggered if the needle is inserted into a trigger point, and this helps to release the chemicals that are the source of the trigger point. The therapist will keep doing this until no more trigger points can be found in the area, at which time they will pull the needle.
The needles used are of what type?
In dry needling, no injections are used and the needles are not hollow. A tiny, filiform DongBang DB100 needle is used in dry needling to stimulate myofascial trigger points and other underlying muscle and connective tissues. A physical therapist can reach tissues that are inaccessible by manual palpation by using a needle.
Many Health Advantages of Dry Needling
Benefits of dry needling include reduction of pain and tightness in muscles, enhancement of range of motion, acceleration of healing, and restoration of normal nerve function.
- When a needle is put into a sore trigger point, the nerves are reset and the muscle fibers can relax, alleviating pain and tightness.
- Increased mobility results from the restored flexibility of the muscle tissue made possible by the trigger point’s release.
- Recuperation times are cut down to size because trigger points are reset at the neurological level through the use of dry needling. When compared to massage or manual therapy, in which the muscles are pushed and sometimes healthy tissue around the trigger point is injured, dry needling is both quicker and more effective. Even though dry needling results in a little lesion, it is so minor that it actually speeds up the healing process.
- Inducing a vascular (blood flow) and neurogenic (nerve) reaction, which desensitizes the inflamed nerves and regenerates tissue, thereby relieving pain in the soft tissue and restoring movement.
For everyone’s information, this Dry Needling Technique is not Acupuncture
Traditional acupuncture is not the same as this new method. While both involve the insertion of needles, dry needling targets the muscle’s trigger point more directly. The meridian system and acupuncture points are traditionally used to direct needle insertion in acupuncture treatments. Furthermore, needles in dry needling are frequently inserted and removed in a pecking motion, while in acupuncture they are left in place for a set amount of time.