Hydro Bath, Candles, And More: How To Make A Day Spa At Home?

We live such hectic routines that we don’t even realize that we need to take care of ourselves! How about taking advantage of that day off to get into the hot tub and do a day spa? It may seem strange to some people, but it is possible to feel at a hotel without leaving your home! The best thing is that you can do whatever you want, use the products you like the most and follow your time!

We set out some tips for your relaxing day to be perfect with hot tub filters:

1. Put The Cell Phone Aside

The first tip is to leave your cell phone aside. This can be more difficult than you might think, as we always have the device in our hands. However, if you want to have some time for yourself, there is nothing better than disconnecting from the virtual world and enjoying your moment!

2. Clean Up Space

After you disconnect, it’s time to clean up space. Don’t skip this part and start your hot tub! A comfortable environment contributes to your relaxation!

Use your creativity and consider your tastes when setting up the place. It is worth putting candles, aromas, music, in addition to taking essential items such as towels, slippers, and hygiene products. There is no rule of thumb what is best or most relaxing; arrange the space your way!

3. Prepare The Bathtub

Now it’s time to prepare the bathtub with hydro! Think if you want to use bath salts, foam, and other products to make your bath even more unique, or if just the hydromassage jets are enough. Fill the hot tub and pay attention to the temperature of the water. We know that a boiling bath is perfect for cold days but be careful not to get too hot!

4. Relax In Hot Water!

Get in hot water and relax! Enjoy this time just for you in the bathtub! Enjoy the ambient music, think positive things, and rest! Each person has a unique way to enjoy special moments like this, and the important thing is to relax!

5. Take Care Of Your Body

Use the day spa to pamper your body in a fun and peaceful way! Make a hair mask to hydrate your hair, apply creams to your body and finish off with delicious skincare! Set aside a day from your schedule to feel at a spa at home!