Vertigo is a temporary sensation that makes you feel like you are spinning or getting tilted all while sitting or standing. This is not a scary situation in the beginning but might turn serious if enough care is not taken. In most cases, the individuals witnessing vertigo are scared of things that happen to them. Awareness about vertigo is less in people today and that is why it is important to know its certain aspects.
What are the types of vertigo?
There are two types of vertigo that are commonly found:
- Peripheral vertigo- This happens because of the impending issues of the inner ear.
- Central vertigo- This happens due to the presence of health complications right in your central nervous system. The CNS includes the brain and the spine and it can directly affect the cochlear function.
Vertigo can be caused by multiple medical conditions and the most commonly occurring form is the Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or the BPPV. This occurs mostly in adults and happens because of the loosening of calcium carbonate crystals from the inner ear. They migrate to other parts of the ear canal and signals the brain that you are moving, despite standing still. The results are the spinning sensations that last for a minute or more. Changes in positions of the head can make the sensation happen multiple times a day, and chronic occurrences can lead to nausea.
What develops vertigo?
Besides the root cause being the inner ear and nervous system problems, you can also develop vertigo if you have:
- A head injury
- Overindulgence and overdependence on alcohol
- Intake of anti-seizure medications
What are the symptoms of vertigo?
If you are suddenly having spinning or titling sensations, you must understand that you are developing symptoms of vertigo. Besides these, you can also feel nauseous, have headaches, and feel lightheaded. While this issue is not very dangerous, individuals witnessing this might develop balancing issues. This involves risks of falling and problems in carrying out daily activities. A proper diagnosis is always required.
What are its treatments?
The cases of peripheral vertigo last for a minute or might extend for hours. Treatment is needed if the effects are long-lasting. Anti-nausea drugs are prescribed to slow the dizziness. Repositioning treatments are also carried out like the Epley manoeuvre. This is a quick and responsive process.
If the conditions are persistent, consider the Audiologie Centre West vertigo treatment and get relieved of the dizziness.